Lähimmät osumat haulle: batman dog

Kappale ja esittäjä osuma-%
Shouting like a dog
Piia Myyry

…keep your own little space, shouting like a dog, nobody want to see your face, but you play this jealousy game, you know how the stage is your, nobody knoks the door.…

79.77 %
You like the dog fights
Piia Myyry

…life, your just arrange it, like the dog fights, You all have to inform this kind of things to police, you dont need to do nothing, you just google things, you are playing, with the pain and violance, some other people…

71.12 %
Running like a dog

…for me like a Muse, I have a lot of new things, from you, to see. I just like the evening work, it fits for me, to my mind and body, I like the warm atmosphere, and city lights. You can choose a life, of which you have joy, not just a work and live like a dog. running like the others want, even if you have your own work.…

68.75 %
Crazy dog they say
Piia Myyry

…You all are out of the work, you are so lethal all around, thet nobody wants to see you, or your dogs, crazy dog they say, you live like there is no rules. You like to beat your friends to the grave, make them suffer…

67.16 %
Liisan koira (Walkin' The Dog)
57.44 %
Hot Dog Hall of Fame
52.38 %
Ehtaa tavaraa 22 ja 1/2
Bat & Ryyd

…SÄE 1 Batman ja Ryydman, varsinkin ryydman, sekosi hän naiseen, antautuvaiseen! Haarat kun aukes, ryybetti laukes! Puolitoista kertaa puolitoista, kympillä kerrot, mitä saat noista? Taivasta vasten, ei nähden lasten…

28.37 %
a woman beater
Piia Myyry

…really beat the whole people, you live like you were all the time, at work you make the violence yourself, with your group of people. You all like your mad dog life, you really beat women, to see them cry, we never seen…

25.22 %

…[Chorus] Jos oisin supersankari, oisin ku Batman vaik arjet olis hankalii venyn ku Van Damme Jos tarviit sankarii, anna mä näytän Vaik ajat olis ankarii, hetkeks ajan pysäytän. [Verse] Käteiset kasaa, ja pakataa kamat…

21.42 %
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