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Lisää sanoitukset Etkö löytänyt etsimääsi? Lyrics.fi on yhteisöpalvelu suomalaisten kappaleiden sanoituksille. Kaikki sanat ja sanoitukset ovat käyttäjien lisäämiä.

Legal turbulence
Piia Myyry

…The women is your light, you have no other colours, exept your lovelife, you have never studies, anything, all have been easy, to sit on tables, somebody feeds. You beat people on the floors, its really your game, all…

11.69 %
Invisible bindings

…, but i miss you. Here people take all their space, its always been like this, as I remember, I am older now, sitting all the time in kitchen table, making food every day, no other things to do at all. I am too tired to say anything, they dont change their lives, after all., .…

8.87 %
Hard Luck Woman
Hanna Pakarinen

…There's a letter on the table And a bottle of ink There is sadness in my heart Many thoughts to think A letter to be written Things to be said I stare out my window And it starts to rain Now, how should I put this? For…

8.60 %
In the EU
Piia Myyry

…You all are restless teens, you have so much energy, you don't need to worry, about anything, you have your old loves, it's important for you, you like life. You all call back and forth, you talk all day long, you…

8.48 %

…Be still my bleeding heart For we have come so far And life's about to change While home it was so near The road became our trail of tears Is there anything that's permanent Why everything that's beautiful must end…

8.43 %

…lost She tries to live Forget, forgive So filled with fear "Please take me away, out of here" Her destination is salvation She's not lost She buries the sorrow, dires every tear that falls Her pain keeps fading until…

7.72 %
Findance.com Theme

…Where do we go when feeling low? It's the place you can't miss Just listen to this Where do we go when feeling low? Site with so many fans the name is findance…

7.71 %

…When I'm down and out When I'm on my knees When I've been beaten to the ground Stand over me Watch me bleed Always left untold What lies underneath While your hands so strong, yet cold Held me so tight I could not…

7.28 %
All have their own games
Piia Myyry

…have no gate. Its risky in every way, you have to obey the rules, or to see another kinf´d of days. Health gate is a trusted gate, the tolarance is zero for crimes in eu, its not a game. you think people are good, court…

6.72 %