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You like small cities
Piia Myyry

…studing friends, you like the small city atmosphere, but its not the same anymore, you have lifed in somewhere else, over the year, the days are not the same. You are all the old women, you have all the same needs, you thing you have lived a lot, but this is a small city in forestland, but for you its enough, you like small cities.…

31.09 %
Its your small talk
Piia Myyry

…easily. You have no limits, you can do what you need, you are good in listening, your juss hear, what you want and need, you all go and come from work, its your small talk, 'you dont need to do much, your husbands take…

28.57 %
Darth Vader talks softly and softly and softly and small
Nighty Patrick-Sabourin
15.98 %
Here is just corgeour
Piia Myyry

…corgeous, its a small city, you must really like it, you just follow the money transfers, you really like your work, but all outside, is just too colourful, you want to play, with your friends. You just like to be…

12.66 %
You really enjoy of sick people
Piia Myyry

…You all are so violant, i never seen before, every day, same games, more and more, you see this every day, in some small place, like helsinki, its the same game with police, they play with violance, for them it is a…

9.36 %

…Nii Lähekkö baariin Tämä kylä on ku Autiosaari Mä oon sun perjantai ja maanantai Missään ei kettää Lähekkö silti Ku tänä yönä meil on ankkurit irti Mä oon sun perjantai Ja maanantai En puhu hyvää small talkkii Mut sit ku…

9.15 %
Paul Elias

…tapahtukin Kun vähiten mä odotin Puhuit niinku tuntisin sut jo Small talk vaan skipattiin Täs on jotain spesiaalii Oisitsä mun soulmate Käänsit maailman ympäri Yhdessä yössä Oisitsä mun soulmate Ollaan varmaan oltu…

9.09 %
All is closed
Piia Myyry

…, having a better life and society. You really like these european cities, its ok, but the people like it small, there is not much to do, they like to life like that, all the days, its today some shopping mole days, but the city has not so much to give, all is closed, there is no atmosphere.…

8.95 %
8.73 %