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Lisää etsimäsi kappaleen: language:EN Market internals analysis Norton sanoitukset

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calling to fernando
piia myyry

…Ciao fernando, is this our day? Do you see me in the evening at the market place? Do we have today a candle light dinner in some quiet place, or do you wabt to see your friends face. I have been put shopping all the…

12.16 %
Language cap
Piia Myyry

…easy in this land. 50 milloin inhabitants is 10 times more than in my homeland.Everything goes throug smootly, I have nothing to complain, I am just not good in languages. but anyway. SInce you are a mentalist and…

11.21 %
Iinternational love
Piia Myyry
10.65 %
Northern Lights, Revontulten leikki

…angels do, or like the waves that wave. They climb, they sneak, they clamber, lurk, they go and race to win. They dive to clouds that fill the sky, and they cannot be seen. They darken, darker grow, die down, and split as ice in lake. They brighten up and race again, and rush against the night!…

9.50 %
Prismas ei ollu megiksii

…prismas ei ollu megiksii jouduin ostaa red devilii sampoluki sugarfree hukkasin mun sukatkin s market oli jo kii abc kerettiin roplaan rahat menetti bravlissakin hävittiin…

8.17 %
8.05 %
8.05 %
7.95 %
7.85 %