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Pesso, The Watercolors

The Watercolors: Sut tahtoisin unohtaa vaan Kun ei oo mitään muutakaan Nyt mun pitäs muka unohtaa vaan Salaa(?) jotain parempaa Nyt mun pitäis muka unohtaa vaan Pesso: Joku päivä mä sen teen Mä kliputan sen toksisen…

18.28 %
Huomispäivän herra
Perttu Mathlin
16.57 %
The Phantom of the Opera

…In sleep he sang to me In dreams he came That voice which calls to me And speaks my name And do I dream again? For now I find The Phantom of the Opera is there Inside my mind Sing once again with me Our strange duet…

14.19 %
Adi L Hasla
13.53 %
Passion and the Opera
13.48 %
Perjantai On Mielessäin
13.32 %
Guardians Of Fate

…Race with the wind The night is ending They will win when the sun is rising Stories have been told for years about the rebel man riding in the lands of unknown No one has ever seen their furious beings and their secret…

13.15 %
Gaijin Superheroes
Gaijin Superheroes

…Gosai Mastah, inadi song you enable Da samurai spirit, widdi Musashi stylee We love Hokkaido models — and Minogue Kylee It’s da Miyagi Sensei, ki-ki-ki kicking our ass But it’s fully OK, as he got class Let us show you the

12.48 %
12.44 %