Lähimmät osumat haulle: sia bird set freere=

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Set Me Loose
Bad King

…it, do it. And let me know. Just let me know how far it goes, 'cause I ran out of dreams and I'm stuck on you. I can't tell if this is meant to be, I'd like to see will it set me free. Feel it once and you'll do it…

27.65 %

…we burnt our wings and flew too high we gave too much eye for an eye we lost ourselves in this endless fight you lit me up like fire gone are the days but still i'm not giving in you set me on fire and left me burnt…

10.34 %
Sweet Pandemonium

…Today Tomorrow seems so far away And the wait in vain So safe In the blinding light of love unchained In yesterday's grave The truth that could set souls free Is buried within sweet pandemonium Concealed by disbelief…

9.10 %
My Tribe

…My hand follow the sunrise my tribe unity in one Big drum, set the pace fever in our veins feel, feel, feel the life flowing through us all the time Follow the sunrise unity in one Big drum...…

8.85 %
Mauno Kuusisto

…, I'm rowing slowly, Annina So light is my oar, So light is my oar The mother I don't fear, She cannot hear us, cannot see Cannot see Annina, My little bird, Annina, Most beautiful of Piazza, Most beautiful of Piazza I am rowing towards you, To take my worries away, Take away…

8.76 %
Sea Of Dreams
Battle Beast

…I, I still remember the feeling deep divine But time has stolen my love for you Oh Angel, my beauty in white The kiss of death is all I need Set me free from the night To a place without a name Wake me up from the Sea

8.60 %
Pustan tanssiaiset
Eugen Malmstén

…Hei vaan armain Maljas nyt mä juon Sudelman, tuon jonka kielsit, nyt se mulle suo Hei vaan armain Surra ei nyt saa Huomispäivään huolet kaikki jääköön vaan Nyt, mustalaissoitto meille soi, kun pustalta tytön tanssiin toin Hei vaan armain Maljat nyt juodaan Mulle sä oot kallein nyt kuin milloinkaan…

8.42 %
The Riddler
7.56 %

…Ne ei ikin uskonu (uu u) Way back ku oltii takapihal ei sstressii, Nekrut ei ikin pysty set up mul on keissi. Drip drip, ne tietää drippaan niinku vesi, Nykyää ei pysty liikkuu ilman terää messis. Way back ku oltii…

6.58 %