Convicted 19 is illegal group, they beat human, you see it from peoples faces, they are intelligent, but all the knowlegde goes to the crimes, in this small finland, where nothing is so hazardous, you ararnge with your friends new crimes, what the humanitarian law, prevents, everywhere on the lands, so they can work and live free, all their lives.
Its this seasons love, guys beat women and have fun, over and over again, the same style, you really like your distructive style, we never have seen it, you always arrange a new scheen, we cant get rid of you, you play in these new loops, around you people get killed, and have diseaces.
You have all been beated in the gates, its again nes sky attack, they like the game, its all from the capital, you keep people as a toy, for your markets, its black all the time.
You choose people yourself, in the hospitals, they have worked there, they know what kind of life you lead, you all wait for the new scheen, you read stephen king, and all kind of excitement you feed, you still like to same people, its been your life, earlier years.
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