I have just woke-up, after a long night I feel tired, and I think i want more. These people are old, they just watch TV and talk a lot. They live like two separate people, they dont care about each other, no more.
This life is alonely road, if you choose it like that, you have to do everything of your own. Not only the work, also all the talk, and just to do more and more.
MOney can ease your life, you have a certain security, but cost to buy anyway. You have a chic-city style, you can be chosen to, live a catwalk lifestyle.
If you have selected, to some sport clubs, you can be a rich man, and have it all.
I came from the city, where they product leaders, NHL-players, supercats, and mostly famous sport people,
Thoe who are wise, choose a ice-hockey, football or some other manly sport. They can have a good salary and support.
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