I think you walk on your own feed, to the hooker houses, what you need, its all the womens fault, when you dick is not up, you are lazy in everything, you dont even want to seek the women, who give you heat.
You give love to every men, they get excited, and have fun, you dont need a wife, you own life is better, than any other life.
Dont you have a compass at your panties, the directions, thay you dont need to ask, the body always turns you on, its not the pretty face, you have fooled them all.
The rougher the life is, the better is feels, you dont want easy life, just a living, you dont take care of your friends, you just show up, to play with your new mates.
You give love to every men, they get excited, and have fun, you dont need a wife, you own life is better, than any other life.
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