They laugh at you

Piia Myyry

I have lived in custom safety ares, its different, its like a military zone, even houses you see strange style, you neighbours are so friendly, smoking peole out of the neighbourhood, of military violance.

You like your sensual life, like all lions in their lifes, you just dont have a change to life like that, you have to work, to pay your schools and living, it postpones everything.

You havens planned your life at all, you have lived like old times, making the kids at the age of teen, they you earn you living.

You havens seen their faces, since they laugh at you, and say, you need education these days, then you make money and the kids, so they you have money, spend their expences.

You love your own needs, my sexual life doesnt belong to you, or your friends, you beat sexcrimes, with your new girlfreinds, 'its always the humans who you beat, you are a bulvan in europe, so are your friends, in Skandinavia, even they have good work places,

Laita Piia Myyry soimaan ja ratko päättelykykyä kehittäviä tehtäviä. Ratkaise tehtävä ja näe miten pärjäsit muihin verrattuna. Toimii suoraan nettiselaimessasi!

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