You all want to show your power, you take it with violance, you have killed the girls in their rooms, you are too aggressive, all your lifes, you all do what you want, you follow the women, who are not your girlfriends, its their houses, their days.
They have lived more, they come from the big cities, they go to work and stay at home, you never been alone, you have always been at schools or at work, even the hobbies are for you anythig else, 'they make money of it.
You have all the aid, you take it everywjhere, they laugh and say, you have your egosentric A life, nobody else have no value, you gain your place of your own games.
You have had many boyfriends, you dont connect really anywhere, around you there is every kind of problems, the bells dont ring, they do these kind of things. Its not the easy task, ' I have no time for anything, this is like japan life, all the days go to working.
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