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Lisää etsimäsi kappaleen: "bo6-reveal".php4?sec= site:.org'''' sanoitukset

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Kaipaan sua niin (org. Still Loving You)
Simo T. Salminen
11.47 %
Pilasit mun elämän (Forever yours)

…, Kun kerran sydän pysähtyy Sitä vaikee purematta niellä Tai edes hyväksyy Mut kyl mä vielä jonkun löydän Mä ansaitsen enemmän Tää ei oo mun syytä Sä veit mun elämän Tänään mä putsaan pöydän Mä ansaitsen enemmän Mut en…

5.76 %
Findance.com Theme

…Where do we go when feeling low? It's the place you can't miss Just listen to this Where do we go when feeling low? Site with so many fans the name is findance…

5.43 %

…Creeper? Aww, man So we back in the mine Got our pickaxe swinging from side to side Side-side to side This task, a grueling one Hope to find some diamonds tonight, night, night Diamonds tonight Heads up You hear a sound…

3.70 %
I just want my privacy

…, like in the country side, the people just have fun. I come from the university city, people move here and built a family. I have always been creative, I spend my days, my own way. I just like to draw and write, its…

3.40 %
The Pharaoh Sails to Orion
3.04 %

…of me Nothing is real but pain now Hold my breath as I wish for death Oh please, God, wake me Back in the womb it's much too real In pumps life that I must feel But can't look forward to reveal Look to the time when…

3.04 %

…the dark path, sleep with angels Call the past for help, touch me with your love, and reveal to me my true name Oh, how I wish for soothing rain All I wish is to dream again My loving heart, lost in the dark For hope…

2.98 %

…äänioikeuttani käytän spraykannuu nuoriso vastaan poliisi helsinki on ruanda älä usko sitä kasken ja lokan roskapropagandaa ei cashil pysty taiteen arvoo mittaan tahdot opetuksen wraitterin benchiin sitte sittaa purkit vikaan…

2.91 %