Lähimmät osumat haulle: Ďon't hurt me no more

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Baby don't hurt me

…Joskus mietin kumpa voisin Tehdä kaikki asiat toisin Mut muuttaisko se mitään Nää virheet joita teen silloin Nyt mietin niitä aamuin illoin Kunnes mun pääni selviää Muistan kuinka soi Baby don’t hurt me Silloin mä…

100.00 %
One Desire

…ending So what's the right direction I still need to know where from Cause now my heart is on the run Hurts Does it matter where the pain is coming from When it still burns And the fire here inside me wasn't enough Will…

67.56 %
I want to live

…want to live I want to die but after all I don't know why I want to live I want to die hmm this life is mine No more no more you hurt me for so long no more no more you can't hurt me anymore I want to live I want to die…

67.46 %
Not a kid, no more

…They think, I just sleep and do nothing, I take care of marrital oblications, its my work at the moment. I am not a kid no more, I have lustfull drives, of which, you are not aware of, we are on that age, all the fun…

67.13 %
Don't Disappoint Me
Nylon Beat
65.96 %
You Don't Get Me
Anna Abreu

…tell who they are on The love you see in my eyes Is just a reflection of your own refrain: No matter what you say No matter what you do No matter how you play No matter how you woo You won't get me Because you don't get…

59.02 %
One more Cup of Coffee
Juice Leskinen

…Your breath is sweet Your eyes are like two jewels in the sky Your back is straight your hair is smooth On the pillow where you lie But I don't sense affection No gratitude or love Your loyalty is not to me But to the…

54.44 %
More selffish

…My frineds are more selffish, they do nothing if they dont like it, they ignore everything, you are just "nada" to them, if they think that way. The life for them is really not love or family, its just having fun, and…

46.35 %
I Have Nothing

…further I don't want to have to go where you don't follow I won't hold it back again, this passion inside I can't run from myself There's nowhere to hide Don't make me close one more door I don't wanna hurt anymore Stay in my…

44.95 %
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