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Cali y el dandee ft danna paola nada
cali y el dandee ft danna paola

…ahora lloras Y fue tu culpa, tú me dejaste sola Lonely Sola, sola I am so lonely Sola, sola I have nobody For my own Y fue tu culpa, tú me dejaste sola Lonely Sola, sola I am so lonely Sola, sola I have nobody For my own…

58.84 %
My Walden

…Sain y niwl, Gaunt y goydwig fwsog, Gwenithfaen, cen y coed, a'r lleuad, Un gway f'adenydd I dapestri bywyd Light shines bright beyond all the cities of gold On a road of birdsong and chocolate shops Of buskers…

37.24 %

…, more, more, more Voy a bajarlo Hasta el suelo-lo-lo-lo-lo If the way I shake it to this dembow (to this dembow) Drives you loco (yeah) Y no se confundan (y no se confundan) Señora' y señore' Yo siempre estoy ready (yo…

34.15 %
Pirun kaunis nainen glifters


32.07 %
Jouluterveiset pohjolasta

…navidad feliz navidad feliz navidad prospero ańo y felicidad I wanna wish you a merry christmas I wanna wish you a merry christmas I wanna wish you a merry christmas from the bottom of my heart I wanna wish you a merry christmas I wanna wish you a merry christmas I wanna wish you a merry christmas from the bottom of my heart…

29.95 %
the life you mean

I play for you songs, its not a new tone, you come and go, I wait untill you get stoned, i am not for you, you are so sweet, y ou cant be in some other mood, you all have the same game, you like life, its liberal all…

26.65 %
Café Avenue
Hanoi Rocks

I was feeling hungry, I didn't have no money y' know But I was like you'd say "off the hook" and sometimes it hit me quite hard I started searching for what I don't know I suppose I started searching, searching for the…

26.35 %
Nyt pelko pois
Y. Enneborn
25.68 %
Jay-Z feat. Mirel Wagner
Paperi T

…Mä oon Jay-Z ennen Beyoncee. Heitän räppärin jokeen. Miten se striimaa? Pari vuotta kiimaa ei riitä. Viime kesästäni monta kesää siitä. Kirjotin tän riimin kun mä täytin kolkyt. Tätäkö tää on nyt? Sä sanoit et ennenku…

23.80 %