Lähimmät osumat haulle: 100 women of bcs

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Lisää etsimäsi kappaleen: 100 women of bcs sanoitukset

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Out of the women

…probably like you not, it doesnt matter, you have the girls. who like to see you. I just dont like the living, you beat the joy, out of the women. You all have the same grounds, you love to talk, spend time with your wifes, its nothing special, but it suites you just fine, you go out, run a family, its your life,…

74.26 %
Women have another tools
Piia Myyry

…You all go back to your old wives, it doesn't help me much, I have my old lives, you are just friendly, you have, your own moves, It's no family guy's moves. You run after money, even, I guess, you have enough of it…

57.63 %
you beat women childless
Piia Myyry

…have a better life. You beat women childless, you all do it on behalf of you, you really dont have sympathy, you stare at your own belly, all the time.…

56.22 %
They are women
Piia Myyry

…, how can you think it would be. You all gain profits of it, 'you make frauds, its in authorities, you really live like outlaw, its organised crimes, you know it for sure. You like your easy life, you make all the…

55.78 %
Your women like black zone
Piia Myyry

…kbeat them first, they all have doctors lifes, its kartell like in under mediterranean sky. Havents you ever seen it before, its a criminal life, you seek for excitement, they steel of hunger or humity, you like brutal world, you beat women and children, they alrealy have a cancer, your women like black zone.…

51.96 %
Surrounded by all the women

…You are always surrounded by all the women, it must lift your selfestime, I havent seen you to life any other way, you are not a public person, who must accomodate to this kind of living. You are getting older, havent…

51.83 %
51.57 %
100 kilometrii tunnissa

…Ajan autolla 100 kilometrii tunnissa mun auto on pinkki.Mul on nahkainen penkki Elsi istuu vieressä.Se pistää pään ulos ikkunasta se oli huono idea koska vastaan tuli rekka Elsin pää lähti irti se irtosi ja lensi.Tielle…

48.46 %
You are after the women ( irish music)
Piia Myyry

…You all have gained all you money with crimes, you are always between everything, you take the control of violance, you dont let people to work, you are after the women, all the time, you take their lifes, and beat…

48.28 %