Lähimmät osumat haulle: Adele someone like yu

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They life like friends
Piia Myyry

…You really are mouring like a cat, you all have something wrong all day long, can you just shut up, you are really pain in the ass, get a life, no-one wants you more, you like to hand around with your friends, you just…

48.22 %
Be like you be (metal)
Piia Myyry

…metal life, you see it from the cars you drive, its cold soul it feeds your needs, you are not the same nomore, the life has changed your money you feeds, it gives freedom and security, you like to feed you creed, its what you need, but it all comes easily, someone is willing to pay you, you just need ot appear, and be like you be.…

48.02 %
You all like your love
Piia Myyry

Yu all like your loves, you pay them all, so that they stay, you all have your own goals, you trust your old friends, you have a good nertwork, of people around, its all business, you need them to your payroll, you…

47.33 %
The ego is like a god
Piia Myyry

…I am the only one who has studied, the life is boring, it suck all the energy, you love to see people to fuck, you tag along their homes, like a teenage child, you all have your fake studies, your husbands pay it all…

46.96 %
You are like as child
Piia Myyry

…You all love your fysical work, 'you dont let people to talk, 'they all have been good at school, 'you have liked the dick, after that you run and move, you havent run after money, men pay everything, 'you are like as…

43.80 %
With someone everyday

…I just have my life, I dont want to comprome it, because of somebody else. Maybe because of the family, but that can be the only reason. Its easier to life in the city centre, where everything is close, the everyday…

43.31 %
Doom Unit

…Once again I stand alone with a simple plan, of a humble man And someone told me I should never lean a hand, I'll do best I can You had it all and I got nothing at all It changed your life forever Rise or fall, it means…

42.11 %
Adele ja me
Katri Ylander

…musta enää Vai ootko helpottunut Kun ei oo kuulunut mitään Aika paljon nauroin Aika paljon itkin Mut hiljaa käsi kulki Kyljen kaarta pitkin Automatkalla Adele ja me Läheltä sä tuoksuit toffeelle Kun sä tuut mun mieleen…

41.62 %
Your women like black zone
Piia Myyry

…They like to fight all the days, beeing like old nuns, you dont want kto see their faces, you really live your own small surrounds, you beat people to hospitals. all your life. It is a bulvan life, like under the…

39.85 %