Lähimmät osumat haulle: Eleganzia doctor doctor

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Doctor, doctor!

…Hän tohtori lienee, hän rohtoa tuottaa. Olen kuumeissain, enkä voi muuta kuin luottaa. Ding, dong, hasta la vista! Asteet loppuu kuumemittarista. Ding, dong, hasta luego! Espanjaksi tuli on fuego. Doctor, doctor

100.00 %
doctor friends
Piia Myyry
31.12 %
Piia Myyry

…sickness, they eat it gladly, to see their faces, there is no need for violance, it is doctors who make all the diseases, for humans, every day.…

8.47 %
Doctors who arrange
Piia Myyry

…spend your days, its probably the same, all the days, 'these people have, still the shadow games. You all blonds are violant, suverity blonds they say, you have this stephen king, side, around the friends, just bodies are found. The same group all the time, doctors who arrange, new places for ordinary guys.…

7.96 %
Illegal sector
Piia Myyry

…mistakes every day, its the same kind of actions every days, you all play with police the same games, you run your illegal sector, you make crimes as a ghost like you want, you all want to control peoples life, its black, you make everyday the same path.…

7.94 %
Doctors kill patiences
Piia Myyry

…I never seen it, even in big cities, doctors kill patiences to fulfill their own needs, you have no value at all, you are like a toy, for their own lifes, they need more, chicken, and money, to their doors. You really…

7.04 %
Over and over again
Piia Myyry

…You really are no doctor at all, you beat to people sicknesses, enjoy when they eat medicine, you want to control every peoples lifes, now you are police, doctor or jugde, you can decide of peoples lifes. Its all about…

5.58 %
Perjantai On Mielessäin
5.44 %
4.25 %
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