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…else you gonna change for somebody else you call me criminal treat like an animal you call me criminal treat like everyone I fought men got in a soldier's brain they got guns and killers without any name society ain't…

36.54 %
Your criminal side
Piia Myyry

…You all want your space with violance, that your criminal side, you cans see it from the face, you all like some catfights, you really get used to nothing, from the fight you get energy, nobody wants to see that face…

30.36 %
Your criminal game
Piia Myyry

…You all are all the time in second world, you all make criminal things, you get boost of it all, you all are already old guys, it seems not to borther you, you like criminal lifestyle. You prevent all days my work, you…

29.28 %
Your criminal work
Piia Myyry

…bad day, its not fun at all, but so you play, you go to work its your daycare, the people come form the land, thay talk what they want. Its not the same life nomore, you all have your own goal, you have made them sick, victimes who you beated, at their own homes, you have going on, your criminal work.…

27.23 %
Criminal during the days
Piia Myyry

…never seen your face, Its your guys who like to beat women, and have even their childs, I never seen this groud, they really are criminal, they are sadistic, all lifetime. I have my own needs, I need my skills, they beat…

26.85 %
Its your criminal lifestyle
Piia Myyry

…, all your lifes, you beat the humans to hospitals, its your criminal lifes. You all have you own rooms, they do their work, in the offices, there is not such a room for violance, you all have a happy lifestyle, you have a…

24.47 %
The nights are criminal
Piia Myyry

…their lives, you are your friend are active everyday, you really dont stop you make incredible pain every day, you seek people to hospital departments, the nights are criminal.…

24.47 %

…beibe mikää draamaboy en ees vaikka veisit mua änäris Mä oon kyllä iha smooth ja chill vaikka oisit eri levelil woo-o-o-ooo woo-oo-oo-oo Nyt viikkoo myöhemmin Vaasankadulla me käsi kädessä striittii dallataan mä katson…

20.66 %
Pikku Huopalahi
Pariisin Kevät

…juosta tai odottaa seuraavaa" liikennevaloissa ihmisten ajatukset vaeltavat paikkaan mieluisaan mut mitä sun pitäis tehdä? pitäis olla jotenkin niin smooth ottaa sivellin ja maalata sitä taivaanrantaa juosta alasti…

20.10 %