Lähimmät osumat haulle: ThyssenKrupp Elevator Vietnam Company Limited vietnam

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Lisää etsimäsi kappaleen: ThyssenKrupp Elevator Vietnam Company Limited vietnam sanoitukset

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Bad Company
Doctrine Wavers

…Staring at shapes disgust, looking up and down and focusing. Wonders of a dark smile, Seeking stuff in the mirror. I find myself alone. I hide from myself. I don’t like company. It's a shame that I’m alone Seems to me…

29.01 %
I like company

…You came to see me, in my room, you all have free time, time to talk to you, you all want to spend time with me, its easy, i like company. You all have an energic era, its evening, its sping, you like when people sing, you all resti in the grasses and have fun, its all your life, just enjoy your time.…

24.63 %
Its not your company
Piia Myyry

…You all want to hide your own life, you life in shadow, take some actions, to check peoples lives, you all like to play games,with your bosses, its not your company, they dont need to pay you a salary, you have too…

24.05 %
Mikko Sarvanne Hip Company

…nähny hyppivän hämähäkin ja sellasen miehen jonka nilkka on silleen oudosti et se näyttää siltä ku se kävelis sivuttain. Mä oon nähny myös joskus huumeruiskun. Kerran mä ostin Tuplan ja tota - mä söin ne molemmat ite

20.10 %
Valehtelevat viettelijät
13.09 %
Hand of Doom

…, Vietnam napalm Disillusioning, you push the needle in From life you escape, reality's that way Colours in your mind satisfy your time Oh you, you know you must be blind To do something like this To take the sleep that you…

8.93 %

…exposure to company is accompanied by x-rays, by the time these babies are declared, they have a perfect horror of cold. thus they are perfectly able to immigrate these puppets, these minors, ask me so spiders and steel…

8.22 %
Just to accomodate

…always someone to keep company, or nurse you, I dont know how it is so difficult, I just really enjoy of it, I dont really need people to feel full. I dont know how people are like that, in Norden countries, someone is…

7.96 %
Roban Veteraanit

…, kuuntele arethaa eirast vigidii, memphis, sibilii santhos nistien, vietnam, mitä niist kabaa pöytään, korttii höylään, kybä kiloo viihteeseen, jos on löysää mennään leveellä, nii et löyhkää pelataan upporikast…

6.76 %