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City Lights
Divine intervention

…with the lonely city lights that shine in the coffee house Slowly he lights up a cigaret It seems like his only way to hate He shakes of some ashes from his smoke that lights up all the crowd Ignored just because of his…

49.42 %
The Carpenter

…Who are you? Man condemned to shine a salvation Throughout the centuries Why? Was the wine of the grail Too sour for man to drink The carpenter Carved his anchor On the dying souls of mankind On the tomb of this…

47.27 %

…Who are you? Man condemned to shine a salvation Throughout the centuries Why? Was the wine of the grail Too sour for man to drink The carpenter Carved his anchor On the dying souls of mankind On the tomb of this…

46.60 %
The winter sun (joululevy, 1)

a party time. I stay at the house with you, all is like being in heaven and brand new, at the snowland of winter angels, we all get gifts and candy sticks. We have a snow-white and Peter-raindeer, we can go to the

44.32 %
Internet gliding

…bad don't have no kids silti kutsu mua papiks, wou. Sippaa hennyy, dobletap fendii, turhaa BN flow, 92-0, on pull up, pull up, vaan jos oot my bro, kelasin pushaa shankkii, mut en tee noit juttui, no (Hook, Bnmaza…

43.90 %
To interfere

…, I dont want to see these people no more, they are always teasing me, we all are already adults, seems that they havent grown up at all, just going downwards for sure. The life here is not the big city life, where…

43.26 %
The Witch-Hunter

…What is this cold dagger in my guts What's the name of this fear inside Like a parasite it feeds itself How much longer 'til it's everything? Turn out the lights before I enter And I just turn my radar on The only thing…

42.58 %
Mikä boogie

…messis mitä ikin tapahtuuki. Se on varma, et tänää lähtee. Ne ei pysty pysäyttää meit. Jos sulla on edes viis euroo taskus, nosta kätes ilmaan ja huuda: Po! Se on E-L-A-I-S-O-H: Legendaarinen Rähinä-show. Jos sulla on…

41.12 %
38.87 %