Lähimmät osumat haulle: amazon says more like now runs

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Drug feat. Ällä

…You ain't balling bro cuz swagging designer clothes Never turn your back on life you just go hard and get em all We chasing dreams like back in the days remember who you did it for I see it trough your soul you just need…

35.13 %
A life like a fairytail (joululevy, 2)

…of female sex, you are my xmas doll, I just want to be with you, you give me a peace and harmony, with your candy stick, you can create a life like a fairytail.…

34.20 %
Just teasing like an angel (joululaulu 4)

…anyway. It feels like a fake life after you, to create a good atmosphere, demands more than you think, or you are a full. I have just come from paris, there is not northers light, but the eiffel tower, and no way back anyway…

33.18 %
More selffish

…My frineds are more selffish, they do nothing if they dont like it, they ignore everything, you are just "nada" to them, if they think that way. The life for them is really not love or family, its just having fun, and…

31.97 %
>You can breath more
Piia Myyry

…divorced, they have two houses, its releafing, they say, its not anymore the same, you can breath more, the marriage has been like hell, you dont miss it these days.…

31.79 %
they like you
Piia Myyry

…I call myself musician, i do it just for fun, it all comes easy, you play the instrument, and i just tease you. You like to be a popstar, you enjoy audience, its your new car, you really can entertain, it runs in…

31.61 %
Immortal lifes
Piia Myyry

…You all have your immortal lifes, you have the same fun, all the time, you can put everything aside, you have nothing to loose, you all like to fight. You all can have your own runs, its nothing interesting, they have…

31.07 %
The shadow days
Piia Myyry

…times, you yourself look fine, all the beautiful people are on the grave now, they ant do their cat walks no more, there is always someone, between the action. You like the same kind of fun, you and your old spouses, like

30.92 %
You want just more
Piia Myyry

…the days. You have time to wait, you get frusted all the time, you just have another guy, who does it all, and makes yous smile, You like to life like that, you havent eally need to work, at all, all your friends cover…

29.87 %