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Mr. Money Maker
VeePee Lehto
50.52 %
Tag Team

Tag Team heti alussa se nähtiin Tullaan näkee vaivaa ja raivaamaan tiemme tähtiin Mistä kaikki lähti sitä Corollaa en kaipaa Mut se oli ainut paikka laittaa jengi friistailaa Biitit rullas niin kauan ku rullaa renkaat…

49.41 %
its common in somewhere else
Piia Myyry

…You play with peoples bodies, you tag along, in peoples personal lives, you want it all for you, 'you respect no life, ' its just food for you. You make food from medical field, its risky, you make their sickenesses…

14.11 %
Siniset linnut
Kake Randelin

…laulakkaan Kun laulu soi lintujen,hiljaisten pienien Sinisten lintujen Ne kertoo kaipaustaan,kutsuu rakkaimpiaan,eivät muulloin laulakkaan Ääneti keskity kuuntelemaan,nyt lintu laulaa viimeinen Poikasta itkee tai

13.09 %
Levikset repee feat. VilleGalle
Sini Sabotage
11.76 %
I never seen such a guys
Piia Myyry

…You all want to be at home, its corona season, you dont want more, you like your ancient life, you tag along there all your life. Some people want to life, they just want to dick to give, you really run after it, it is…

9.30 %
It gives security
Piia Myyry

…to lift yourself, with the asset, it gives security. You all have the same group of people, you do not much, they have better lifes, you all have the same group, of academic people, they get they work, when people dont need it, you all hant to be between peoples lives, you get money of it, its rude or just ordenary lifes.…

8.83 %
Gets to personal
Piia Myyry

…You all think you really win it all, you seak crimes, you do it all nights on your own, the feeling guide you, all days, they live like in estonia, people have no face. You all tag along peoples homes, privacy is the…

8.75 %
The ego is like a god
Piia Myyry

…I am the only one who has studied, the life is boring, it suck all the energy, you love to see people to fuck, you tag along their homes, like a teenage child, you all have your fake studies, your husbands pay it all…

8.27 %