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…Karu maa täynnä taikaa Joiku kaamosyöhön raikaa Shamaaninainen koittaa yksinäistä lasta kodassa lohduttaa Laulaa loitsun pieneen ääneen toivoo surun jo taakse jääneen taian tehon vain aika näyttää Kun revontulet…

9.34 %
Pimeä tie, mukavaa matkaa
Leevi and the Leavings

…tietämme valaise taivaalla tähdetkään Meidät mutkaan viimeiseen vien Jäädä saat julma maa kun emme enää nyt jaksaneet Meidät saa unohtaa jos emme tarpeeksi maksaneet Eikö vähempi riitä ehkä pian meitä vaaditaan jopa…

9.26 %
your behaviour
piia myyry

…you became cold when you see me. you act like a diva, when i feed the kid. are you so jealouse of the relationes, you cant do anything else than, joke all relationes. Anyway, two is more than a one, so we have created…

9.15 %
The Wayfarer

…I went into the wilderness with Uncle Walt I discovered the wild Learning to suck all the experience Seeing the world through cradle's bars The wild blessed me with an errant mind Showing the way for the ultimate lore…

8.65 %
In The Night Side Of Eden

…Eden We're born again Dead "Forever we are Forever we've been Forever will be crucified to a dream" Deranged we're tearing away the petals of desire Learning the mathematics of evil by heart We deceive ourselves to…

7.97 %
In The Nightside of Eden

…of Eden We're born again dead Forever we are Forever we've been Forever we'll be crucified to a dream In the nightside of Eden Deranged, we're tearing away the petals of desire Learning the mathematics of evil by heart…

7.82 %
Katherine Wheel

…hands won't be enough In a world giving head to a gun Love in Theory and Practice Chapter One I twist and turn In your arms, swirl The dizzier I get, the clearer I see With you, I'm at peace with the war within…

7.71 %
Sopivasti lihava
Leevi and The Leavings
7.58 %
The Heart Asks Pleasure First

…Silent night surrounding me On the shore of wistful sea A kindest heart made me believe The world as I wish it to be Wind in the wheat Kiss by a hearth Little hideaways for a lonely heart Passed away in beauty’s doom…

6.99 %