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Business City
33.36 %
Hiihtää hiihtää
Business City

…Onks träkki auki? Jes! Lets go! Onks kaikki tyypit ladulla? -Tarvii vähän virtaa tähän paikkaan! Kertokaa mulle, ootteko valmiita Business Cityyn? Pistetään hiki virtaan Sanoin: et pistetään hiki virtaan! joo…

23.25 %
Setämiehet Säätää
Business City
21.21 %
Yks yö Lahes
Business City
21.04 %
Paper plane
Isac Elliot

…me Oh, I just had to let her go for now Just let her leave Now the road is long and she's far away Don't have a boat, no I can't go by train Ooh, baby I'm coming anyway I'll build a paper plane so I can fly over the…

20.36 %
Scissor, Paper, Rock

…I'm river and I'm stone I shiver but I know I'm young but oh so old Played scissor paper rock I'd run till I was caught Games end but nothing stops The rocks will turn to dust The scissor starts to rust The ink will…

18.74 %
Paperi T
13.25 %
Resnais, Beefheart & Aalto
Paperi T
12.35 %

…I have heart, that my relatives do well in L.A, they have their own space, and a road called, a Hacker way. They do well in web-business, they have it all, the wife, can just be a princess. They can lay under the…

10.62 %