Lähimmät osumat haulle: c-o-in-form-means

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Lisää etsimäsi kappaleen: c-o-in-form-means sanoitukset

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Endless Forms Most Beautiful

…of grass Every endless form most beautiful Alive, aware, in awe Before the grandeur of it all Our floating pale blue ark Of endless forms most beautiful Beyond aeons we take a ride Welcoming the shrew that survived To…

35.97 %
Format C:\

…Parasiitti mun ajatuksia ohjaa. Korruptoitunutta pirstaleista tietopohjaa. Alituiseen komentojaan laukoo. Haavoittuvaa rajapintaani aukoo. En enää jaksa. Muisti ei enää riitä. Format c, teen itsestäni turhan. Format c

35.95 %
Piia Myyry

…You and your dick, are in focus, all day long, i heard its 25 inches, or sentimeters, so you self say it, with it you can satisfy womens need, it always comes on need, you are not romantic, all love is on the O, for you…

30.85 %
A Return to the Sea

…A star falls down from the darkened sky Where new worlds born and die Kingdom Animalia watches its approaching glow What it means is soon to be known Beneath the lovely birch honeymakers build their nest in peace On…

30.49 %
Return To The Sea

…A star falls down from the darkened sky Where new worlds born and die Kingdom Animalia watches its approaching glow What it means is soon to be known Beneath the lovely birch honeymakers build their nest in peace On…

30.49 %
Girl In A Uniform
Pete Parkkonen

…I saw your face in a riot picture In your eyes I could feel the friction Once again, I want some of your attention In for a split second Turn a pacifist into art Turn a communist into sharing bombs Turn me inside out…

25.57 %
Fight for your own space

…wise, you admit it. There is people form different ages, I dont want to know them at all, I want to stay on my own, at my territory, at my space. They never do what I ask them to do, its useless to pay attention to their…

25.56 %

…I feel Say o-o-o-Oh If you don't have to say that you real You R.E.A.L. This ain't fashion for me, this ain't rapping for me It's my life not a game, I ain't having defeat It's back-taxes and death in my family B Sober…

23.17 %
Mea culpa

…Kännis ja hiljaa se sylki ryynärii ku o tälläsii ystävii, miks vihollisii pyytäsi? mea culpa, vittu veä mu turpaan en haluu olla köyhä enää, mitä menin lupaamaa keskiluokka kiinnostaa milloin nää alkaa futaamaa? kaks…

22.78 %