Lähimmät osumat haulle: can-you-send-someone-money-on-apple-pay

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You want back home
Piia Myyry

…gained it, northern man want to own women, and use the power to do it, you must have a northern man, who pay just for the company, since loneliness is not fun. You can just style everything, yourself and room, someone pays for it, when you get abroad, you really don't enjoy it, you want back home, and stay with your family.…

82.80 %
You just work of money
Piia Myyry

…of money, you do fine on your own. You dont like to see people on your space, everything is something for you, not he relaxing days in the nice place, your husband carries you everything, but you are still unhappy…

73.33 %
Be like you be (metal)
Piia Myyry

…metal life, you see it from the cars you drive, its cold soul it feeds your needs, you are not the same nomore, the life has changed your money you feeds, it gives freedom and security, you like to feed you creed, its what you need, but it all comes easily, someone is willing to pay you, you just need ot appear, and be like you be.…

71.06 %
So you spend your money
Piia Myyry

…like in kindergarden, nice people do all the talk, you really have conrentrated nothing, the work is kids life, you talk and talk, so you spend money. You all have had the same kind of living, you do nothing, but judge…

67.95 %
You must have money
Piia Myyry

…vionent side, you must have money, since you like that power, all your life, its like the global groups, when they get arrested, they pay with the money, gained from these groups. You all have the same basic need, you love…

65.84 %
money tree
piia myyry

…the news, give peaches, how great are you, you have always wanted to make a baby, it must been a dream to you, otherwise you have easy life, no money is an object, it can just be seen from you.…

65.63 %
It all comes from money
Piia Myyry

…own life, and harass peoples life, 'you have slander suits behind, you really think you can it all, they are extra protected people, on earth. It all comes from money, the is no many people who life, their lifes like that, you think that edudation brings money, you theat people, so that we have never seen.…

62.85 %
They love money
Piia Myyry

…, one for all to run run their businesses, you can spend time there, along the rivers, with your family and friends. latinos and espanolas are wicked, they love money, and big meals.…

62.41 %
Of money
Piia Myyry

You are lazy as always, somebody makes all the work, when you pour coffee, they pay you money of it, you have been softened, over the years, you know which trings to pull, it has always been your game, other people are…

57.57 %
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