Lähimmät osumat haulle: ciudad mas peligrosa de mexico 2024

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Dead By X-Mas
Hanoi Rocks

…X-mas now anyway Tell me will you remember me that day When you've found a new one who's better than I ever was I'll be dead by X-mas now anyway Please give all my things away They'll make great X-mas presents for you…

20.02 %
Anna Abreu

…, eu sei, mas não quis que acabasse assim, ( ainda penso em ti). A tentação levou-me, é mau, eu sei que sim. Estraguei tudo, sabia que ias estar lá até ao fim( nunca te esqueci). Não te queria fazer mal, nunca te quis…

16.49 %
Emily Frost

…rights and equal treatment Who’s to decide who is worth less Can’t erase the past so why not Give our present a good purpose? 2020 was a nightmare Didn’t want to stay wake All I did was sleep late can’t find comfort in…

8.47 %
Coupe de Grace
Nikke Ankara

…kotosammin ku on tätä kokoo pallit, sun naises fonogrammi on ku meikän hologrammi, mä en voi tota vitun mulkkuu ymmärtää, joku tossu, koko vihas tuntuu hyvältä. Tää ei oo mikää Tour de France, tää on Coupe de Grace…

8.02 %
Prospettiva Nevski
Arja Saijonmaa

…En vind som skapar trettio graders kyla Gör stadens gator tomma Även husen verkar obebodda En bild som får mig frysa in i märgen Och vad som helst kan gömma sig därute Då ser jag röda gardets vakter När de samlas för…

7.89 %
Rio de Janeiro
7.38 %
All for Victory
Angelo De Nile

…you have to give Leave, leave, leave your name in history Live, live, live all for victory I have it all and I’ve earned it all Now it’s plain to see it’s all destiny And when all is through and my time has come I still…

6.82 %
rosy life
Piia Myyry

…Un poco mas amore, you can bent and lay at the right time, you like to tease men,, its easy for you, it boost your soul, and is for the young men. You like new boost in your life, not ot feel old, it steels your soul…

6.69 %
Under the lights
Piia Myyry

…me to meet, chicos come logos, that i need, they are so nice, supercopas de amores, all life. You are all so fine, you like you big lifes, its lake in latino houses, everything is big, you have afford it, 'you like to…

6.21 %