Lähimmät osumat haulle: dance monkey karaoke

Kappale ja esittäjä osuma-%
Money Dance

dance do the money dance Haluun nähä girl kun sä oot niin bad, do the dance do the dance do the money dance Haluun nähä girl kun sä oot niin bad, do the dance do the dance do the money dance Haluun nähä girl kun sä oot niin…

92.89 %
Goblins' Dance

…The works of Dreaming evil, and the joy of unholiness No soul was left alone, in the mayhem of the human race "Hahahahaa!!!, Let us joy, Let us dance!!!" So they danced their macabre dances From the three ascending moons, moonshine was spilling onto the ground, Gruesome trophies were all around, In the halls of the Goblin King…

53.03 %
Bum Bum Bum [Regular Dance Mix]
Jari Sillanpää
28.92 %
Its all about money
Piia Myyry

…You are hot on the beach, you stay there in your skini bikinies, you have romance, with your girlfriends, you do the latino dance, you have a white skirt, you call me baby, you are like a crazy, you all want your space…

23.85 %
Pharao Sails To Orion

…into the stars Open thy veins for my venom Kiss the cobras with thy twisted tongue So shalt thou join the emryrean circus Where beggars mourn and seraphs dance In this twilight cathedral Shall I wed thee, O Bride of…

21.81 %
Once Upon a Troubadour

…romantic tales On the loft women offer their sales But my eyes they catch a girl beat by everyone A slave she is but for me a rose undone Hear me sing Watch me dance Play that lute of thine And share with me this dance As…

19.88 %
The Pharaoh Sails to Orion
16.74 %
Ur Cool

…maybe we can hang out or something Wait, wait a minute this ain't a joke (I picture us together) Tied up in a feeling, I don't even know (could it be the four-letter?) I can't dance but I'll dance for you fall flat in…

15.87 %
Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
Hanoi Rocks

…broken dreams I gotta get back on my feet And was it only yesterday you came my way Or was it just a while ago and do I have to tell you, you're my lover Do I have to tell you, I'm you're slave and do we have to dance

13.96 %
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