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in sexgames
Piia Myyry

…You all like you new waves, helicopters are in, so they say, you all like it. its mediterranean ways, you seem to have new mates, its not at all the dates, this is something new, better have experience, new moves. You…

6.01 %
Suutele mun sormusta
BB Suomi VIP 2021 (asukkaiden laulu)
5.93 %
Kyyneleitä sateenvarjossa
5.70 %
Blocking the gates
Piia Myyry

…, now they are turned to black hole, you use people to keep you work, you are in both sides bland, you can see it from your tone, Now you see crime prevention, blocking the gates, takes time, it goes too far and deep…

4.91 %
Adele ja me
Katri Ylander

…musta enää Vai ootko helpottunut Kun ei oo kuulunut mitään Aika paljon nauroin Aika paljon itkin Mut hiljaa käsi kulki Kyljen kaarta pitkin Automatkalla Adele ja me Läheltä sä tuoksuit toffeelle Kun sä tuut mun mieleen…

4.27 %
Ei Enkeleitä
4.23 %
Emily Frost

…rights and equal treatment Who’s to decide who is worth less Can’t erase the past so why not Give our present a good purpose? 2020 was a nightmare Didn’t want to stay wake All I did was sleep late can’t find comfort in…

4.14 %
You beat people in gates
Piia Myyry

…you beat people in gates, you attact to their home, to see their sorrow face, you really are criminal with your family, you beat then in bed, to get your dick up. You live in northern life, ihavens seen such a rude…

4.11 %
Kesäkuntoon 2020
Nost3 & Protro

…Woo-o woo-o Woo-o woo-o (Ei oteta turhaa stressii kesäkunnosta, 2020, sillon kaikilla on sikspäkit, nyt saa vielä nauttia rauhas) Lets go! Vuoden vaihtees mä lupailin kaikkee, kondis jäi puheiden tasolle vaihteeks…

3.79 %