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Lisää etsimäsi kappaleen: different-types-of-paper-cutter sanoitukset

Lisää sanoitukset Etkö löytänyt etsimääsi? Lyrics.fi on yhteisöpalvelu suomalaisten kappaleiden sanoituksille. Kaikki sanat ja sanoitukset ovat käyttäjien lisäämiä.


…evernings, you are waitress, you make fun of it. You have the clubnights over the days and nights, blues suits, make you smooth, you have your classy style, with your friends, its european cities, whivh make you different men. uUUHH, BUT WE ALL LIKE IT, you have played the game, and make the best of it.…

57.29 %
Its pretty different life
Piia Myyry

…. You observe people, do nothing. Its pretty different life, i have lived in europe, most of my life. You run after you man and child, you think they have not their own lives, You all want to spent time with your friends. you like your forrest life, There its not much to do, but it is just fine…

47.77 %
You all are different
Piia Myyry

…You must have a better life, you have no problem with anything, you can love life, you have to do it all, they have their husbands, and the society back up it good, you all are different, some people have the easier…

47.58 %
Its different style
Piia Myyry

…You like your technical life, its easy, you all dont need to fight, these people have a finnish life, I lived in various countries, its different style. You all like your european life, in bryssel, its luxorious life…

33.00 %
Live in different ways
Piia Myyry

…gates, we all know its possible, to live in criminal ways. You all like you new are, its possible to live, in different dimentions, you all have your own skills, its all about the safety wills, you all have the same old…

31.64 %
Paper plane
Isac Elliot

…me Oh, I just had to let her go for now Just let her leave Now the road is long and she's far away Don't have a boat, no I can't go by train Ooh, baby I'm coming anyway I'll build a paper plane so I can fly over the…

29.16 %
Scissor, Paper, Rock

…I'm river and I'm stone I shiver but I know I'm young but oh so old Played scissor paper rock I'd run till I was caught Games end but nothing stops The rocks will turn to dust The scissor starts to rust The ink will…

25.64 %
Cildren of bodom hatereber
Rise bodom

…Live möreys cildren of

23.48 %
Personal attention

…you, I give you personal attention as you always desired of me, personal attention is what you demand of me. Personal attention gives you joy, personal attention acn not be avoid, personal attention gives you all you desire in life for.…

21.40 %