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During the nights
Piia Myyry

…not changed, for 20 years, people are educated, to the new changes, they are jealous and fast in everything, in authorities gears roll slow, nothing happens like they do, during the nights, slow gears. You all are angry…

56.14 %
Criminal during the days
Piia Myyry

…people to wheelchairs, on purpose, you never know, who they kill. they really like psycological thrillers, they do it in reall lifes, it goes beyond, all, it is criminal during the days.…

53.18 %
Beating your girlfriends
Piia Myyry

You all like you love, its happy thing, you dont do much, 'you all are burden to peoples lifes, its your own problems, they have a hard works, you make them criminals. For you no is not no, you dont really take…

47.80 %
You think nothing
Piia Myyry

…kids. You all want to work, you are bound to do it, its not your thing, they raise other peoples kids, its like the same like with them over the years, its the same like during teenage, a lot has happened, the same people do same kind of living.…

45.08 %
You complain about everything
Piia Myyry

…understand, how your mind works, you talk all day long, when people want to have aid, for their normal doings. maybe you need to take a rest, I never seen such a life, only tv seems to interest you. Dont you see, everybody has…

45.02 %
They do it illegally
Piia Myyry

…third parties, they do it illegally, it is so violent, i never seen it, in my entire life, or during the days. You play with unnkown people, you like your own games, i in this age, nobody is interested,´ working for extra days.…

44.93 %
Legistlative people
Piia Myyry

…Yhey play with the shadow all day long, you think people have no life of their own, the run their own businesses, they have work, if they do it right, you dont know, whats the game style. They havent never made any…

44.75 %
Bad King

…Revelation. Pokey space yeah. Soft but stoney. I'm not you fucking pony! How shoud I begin? Am I in this world, is it real, am I a miracle? Lies there within, the stone-cold mind, I made you mine, am I too critical…

41.89 %
You all sit still
Piia Myyry

…the same rolling these days. You all sit still, but you get the money of illegal things, you really havent need to do much, you workplace is the same, during all the times, you dont understand, that there is structural…

41.01 %