Lähimmät osumat haulle: filho do deus vivo nivea cifra

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Lisää etsimäsi kappaleen: filho do deus vivo nivea cifra sanoitukset

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Who do you give it all?
piia myyry

…Who do you give yourself? All the pain, sorrow and deseases? Who deserves all the good from you, love. welfare and desire. Who do you give it all? Are you ready to loose it too? one, gardinal mistake can change it all…

8.55 %
I'm do it
Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät

…I'm do it race I'm do it handscap I'm do it hostels I'm do it furging No coming machine No it's television I'm not see you my friend I'm do it home I'm do it asking I'm do it to food is i'm ready I'm ready to the…

7.05 %
Do the stönö
Juice Leskinen

…Satakunnankadulla kävelin, stönöaskelin, stönösävelin ja kohdalla sähkölaitoksen sain elämänpolkuuni taitoksen Katulyhdyt heilutti ruumistaan Stönö (Do the stönö, everybody do the stönö) Kävi kulkija toimeen tuumistaan…

7.02 %
The university life

…our university parties, he was playing guitar, and sozialising with the other people, I was just observing the hole event, I must have been arranging, some of this happening, since I wasnt drinking wine or anything. Do

6.80 %
Vilho Makkonen, Sanoin ja Sävelin
6.69 %
Vilho Makkonen, Sanoin ja Sävelin
6.69 %
Juice Leskinen

Do wopba do wopba do wopba do Oli rundi USA:ssa, siellä luvatussa maassa Sieltä piti palata myös takaisin (Dum du dum dum dum) Lentokentällä Kennedyn me koko joukon menetimme Nyt ei tykkää pomo suurikrakaisin (Dum du…

5.94 %
Do everything
Piia Myyry

…are not a helping kind, you just do your own food, even you can have all from supermercados, its not your style, you have to do everything yourself, otherwise starts another nagging.…

5.93 %
People do
Piia Myyry

…all seem to like the game, think big they all say, you come from the small land, travelling after money, like japanize can, like in big world. people do.…

5.93 %