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Come from north
Piia Myyry

…You all love your new lifes, these people, come from north, they get it all, they have stuborn lifestyles, you dont need them, but you dont get rid of their faces, they steel your time, and are everywhere. You give me…

23.05 %
They come from north
Piia Myyry

…You al have your dream works, you enjoy of it, especially the money, and all the good, which come with it, you love you rindependent life, dont you get bored of it, you have to be self-efficient. You all are like…

22.12 %
You come from north
Piia Myyry

…You all want to sit and talk, you are tired, after the night, you cant sleep at all, you all want to talk about your girlfriends, they are different, with you, its like this, i have seen another kind of seens. You all…

21.53 %
You all life in north
Piia Myyry

…, they like to sit at home, with their husbands, you all have the similar natures, you all life in north, its not the southern place, you hit well like in wars, to the beds, you like like russian roulets, new games, you do really nothing more, so you all work...…

20.37 %
Native Land

…The waves of the lake splash And pines hum The frost of the north hurts Finnish grief in signs Woods bleak and stony, unlit There my mind rests There I will forget the pain Stars and moon us bless O my native land…

18.82 %
The Islander

…An old man by a seashore at the end of day Gazes the horizon with seawinds in his face Tempest-tossed island seasons all the same Anchorage unpainted and a ship without a name Sea without a shore for the banished one…

16.45 %
In northern light
Piia Myyry (Rock)

…You life in northern lights, there is a lack of the sun light, you like the dark nights, its for you an angel, you can move your own cars, you are allergic to every human, its all about the sex and finance, you come from the north, its hard to live in the cities, like they want it.…

13.52 %
A Girl Worth Fighting For
8.46 %
Courthouse attacts
Piia Myyry

north, women have on value, you really lead a manly style, anyway, we life the southern life, its more swedish, sweet as a child. You really are keen on fight, you think you gain something, to torture people, all your life…

7.76 %