Lähimmät osumat haulle: iin the sawhous

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Lisää etsimäsi kappaleen: iin the sawhous sanoitukset

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The is no empty house
Piia Myyry

…your kids, all nights, but it is just fun for you, you like youth, it gives you boost. I like a catwalk style, this is a lonely walk, no entrance to life, i just want so see your moods, its not the same anymore, your kids…

45.34 %
Sylilaulu: Toivo hyyryläinen
Yli-Iin lapsikuorot

…avoin - joko sinulle sen sanoin - on niin suuri, avara, siihen mahtuu maailma.. Syliin, syliin, syliin...(kerto) Jeesus itse sanoi meille: tulkaa syliin, sallikaa myöskin lasten tulla, heille tahdon taivaan omistaa. Kodin koko perheväen mielelläni luonain näen, valtakunnan lapsina tahdon teitä hoivata. Syliin, syliin, syliin...(kerto…

44.63 %
Whoever Brings the Night

…We seduce the dark with pain and rapture Like two ships that pass in the night You and I, a whore and a bashful sailor Welcome to a sunrise of a dirty mind All you love is a lie You one-night butterfly Hurt me, be the

40.20 %
The kids who have nothing

…Now, we can live like those, who never have kids, to time for hobbies, or nothing to give, they just spend their times in living rooms, and just do it. Thei energy goes just the one thing. Some people just have hobbies…

35.73 %
The lousier days
Piia Myyry

…You all like to play the same surroundings, its all about you and your needs, in bid cities, you like to eat, you have friends, you all play with your new friends, you like the city games, you like to spend time at…

35.56 %
Its your small talk
Piia Myyry

…care of it, 'all the time. You all have the same guys, you like that kind of lifes, 'you see iin hard rock cafees, like in out times, you see there your friends, they work in restaurants, live that life, it has been easy, you like the red carpets, there you see it.…

32.40 %
Ota mut niin
Vilma Alina

…maailma loppuu huomenna jäljelle jää kuiskauksia tuhkaa ja kultahippuja tänään saat kaiken minusta mä ajan mutkaan huomenna ja vaikka käännän rattia mä en ehdi ajoissa ota mut nii-ii-iin et sä muistat sen koske mua nii…

31.54 %
[Ghost] Riders in the Sky
The Highwaymen (Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Kris Kristofferson, Willie Nelson)

…An old cowpoke went riding out one dark and windy day Along the ridge he rested as he went along his way When all at once a mighty herd of red-eyed cows he saw A-plowing through the ragged brush and up the cloudy draw…

30.94 %
On the Wing

…Somebody told me to shit on the wing On the edge of concentrated life the void:,:…

30.47 %