Kappale ja esittäjä | osuma-% |
Anni Lahe |
85.27 % |
Ext:php |annonce legale inurl: idproduct "index.php" .eu'' and (/**//**/select case when (/**//**/select count(*) /**//**/from usuarios) > 0 then 1 else 0 end) = 1'[0]
bebbdsa …tjeneste - track.global. Der kan du spore en pakke ved å skrive inn spornummeret, og den vil vise den aktuelle posisjonen uavhengig av hvilket postvesen som leverer pakken. Det sparer virkelig nerver! Jeg bestilte for… |
24.89 % |
Goblins' Dance
Ensiferum …again, for the last time "Now is the Victory ours!" "Let us dance the dance of Immortals" They shrieked, as they marched up and down the hills, in the sighing face of earth Misfortune and Chaos, Grief and Destruction… |
7.06 % |
Smoking Ruins
Ensiferum …For many years ago He left his home behind. No farewells or a note, Like a thief he fled into the night. Heart full of foolish pride, He caused a death of his clans man All prophesies he denied, And now in exile he… |
6.97 % |
Mist sä tuut? feat. Gracias, Paperi T, Juno, Stepa, MC Särre, Gasellit, Kube
6.93 % |
Plugi on mun bro
Pajafella, Ivory …postilaatikkoo Se on huntin kello, onks se ok? Kyllä sä tiiät mun plugi on mun bro Mun plugi on mun bro Plug är min bror Plug är min bror Got it for the low Got it for the low (?) Pankki sanoo ei, mun plugi sanoo joo Nyt mul on… |
6.75 % |
Totuus minusta
Regina |
6.56 % |
Tapaa minut aamulla
Regina |
6.30 % |
Ressu Redford & Jussi Rainio |
6.00 % |
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