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Pro Patricia
28.45 %
Its pro bono, illegal
Piia Myyry

…, at their houses, there they live, they are not your frined, you life to beat. You open your wooden gates, they lare marines, its always their iron faces, you really live like 50s still, you make the sama violance, its pro bono, illegal.…

27.90 %
Dust to prank pro
Läiskä reppunen

…Dust to prank pro meil on iso haloo kun pojat alkaa rakentaa uutta meemi taloo dust to prank pro meil on iso haloo kun mister zeus alkaa näyttää vihreetä valoo.…

26.91 %

…, on promilleflow now you know, pro-promilleflow now you know, on promilleflow now you know, pro-promilleflow mikä meininki tääl o, promillet korkeemmalla ku äo tilil enemmä nollia ku perjantai klubeilla ---- lauantain…

13.82 %
Violance towards humans
Piia Myyry

…You all want to see crimes, you are allin illegal part, you all play the same winter war attacks, its illegal, not it is peaceful time, except in your lifes. You really want to see cry, crying game is your life, you…

11.56 %

…Edellkävijät ilman edeltäjiä ei riitä kenelkää (ei riitä) Muut harrasteli pitkin vaan sen illan puuhteen Meidän duunit sai biblikaaliset mittasuhteet Aikansa hallinnut mutta ei voi vaan lopettaa Kansan valitut pannaan pro

8.71 %
Profeetat, Cheek, Elastinen

…edeltäjiä, ei riitä kenelkää muut harrasteli, piti vaa sen iltapuhteen meijä duuni sai biblikaaliset mittasuhteet aikaansa hallinnu, mut ei voi lopettaa kansansa valitut pannaan pro profeettaa Niin on ollu, ja niin on…

8.18 %
Gate peoples own lives
Piia Myyry

…You seem to be gate leaks, you get all your information, from the wrong lines, its illegal to run criminal life. it is really gate peoples own lifes. The black magia is illegal, pro bono style, you must know it, you…

7.44 %
I never seen such a guys
Piia Myyry

…your new hobby. No wander you have seen a life, 20 years and you have already a child, you really have no plan, you just live with motions, thats what you can. You always get what you want, you are so criminal, that…

6.95 %