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Lanka Palaa
Pelle Miljoona United

…kuulen sen kohisevan jostain kaukaa en tiedä mitä tulevaisuus tuo mukanaan hiljaisuuteen kadoten kuulen sen mä kuulen sen Lanka palaa lanka palaa älä usko valheisiin lanka palaa lanka palaa älä usko valheisiin Kulkee…

26.90 %
Punainen lanka feat. Evelina
21.21 %
Shudder Before The Beautiful

…The deepest solace lies in understanding, This ancient unseen stream, A shudder before the beautiful Awake, oceanborn Behold this force Bring the outside in Explode the self to epiphany The very core of life The…

20.99 %
Even in army its illegal
Piia Myyry

…going to the court, with this lifestyle, you really reach your goal. Even in army it is illegal, you see the police force, you live in your small world, through the third part, all day long, you see their faces, from the pther peoples pics, it´s invaliding people, in the university cities.…

17.50 %
Forever Yours

…Fare thee well, little broken heart Downcast eyes, lifetime loneliness Whatever walks in my heart will walk alone Constant longing for the perfect soul Unwashed scenery forever gone Whatever walks in my heart will…

17.25 %
Lady In Black

…She came to me one morning One lonely Sunday morning Her long hair flowing In the midwinter wind I know not how she found me For in darkness I was walking And destruction lay around me From a fight I could not win Ah ah…

16.79 %
In neighbourhood
Piia Myyry

…You all have the same need, get layed and get feeted, you all love your new era, it lifts you to beat people, to the patiantes, in neighbourhood, the same people over the years, feed men with violance, to satisfy their…

16.71 %

…The night I'm all fucking fucked up The night when all the stars fell down The night is nails back in my skin So goddamn true, it's just too much time The night is all eternity The night that burns my eyes like fire…

15.51 %
Helsinki air

…calculates well to the evening atmosphere. You can calculate almost everything, except nature of a woman, or some force majour thing. This Helsinki ait is very unique thing, in the telepathic world, you hear every nice things.…

14.39 %