Lähimmät osumat haulle: mark bernes

Kappale ja esittäjä osuma-%
Mark Twain
Entäs Peltonen?

…herätä huomenna Tunnen jaloissa rytmin, tunnen jaloissa rytmin, yritän välttää kuoleman Jee, tanssin vähän niin ku Mark Twain Aaa, siitähän mut tunnetaan Jee, kyl mä arvasin et tää menee näin Aaa, tanssin ihan muuten vaan…

95.19 %
What My Cutie Mark is Telling Me
My Little Pony: Ystävyyden taikaa
48.93 %
You all come from carelia
Piia Myyry

…kill, every day is is the same nights, you get layed with violance, or make a new hospital patience, its your life. The turbulence is hard, every day, you like to life your own ways, to mark all the people in finland…

18.17 %
Cristal Snow

…Scarred I was cruel and unkind 'cuz one of us had to draw the line i couldnt' give the things you want so here's your key i think we're done chorus you made your mark and you scarred my heart (but it all goes away…

17.85 %
Buuri Johannesburgista
Freud Marx Engels & Jung
15.90 %
the wallet

…more and more. You have your game, its like a child to raise, its all in moments, you life in your wallet, you like the game, its thick, the wallet. you like to pay, You love to be raw, its you mark, girls show you the dorr, you really are eval, its like in movies, no romance, just surveillance, you like it so, its not your show.…

15.74 %
Jätkän humppa
Werner Bros.
15.17 %
Me ollaan nuoriso feat. Ansa Kynttilä, Pikku G
Ernest Lawson
14.66 %
14.39 %
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