Lähimmät osumat haulle: mayday mauday

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Mayday mayday mitä tääl on meneil mä en pelaa pelei mayday mayday mä oon sun pahin painajainen Etta bitch tuli taloo lemppariks kundit sanoo ei korkokenkii mul on lenkkarit klubil jalois jos ne haluu savuu annan niille…

100.00 %
OG Ulla-Maija x Dank Riot

…Ja ku paskat on jo housussa nii turha kysyy enää että kenellä on ne lääkkeet Ne veetään pannaan, haistatan vitut - ja never stop the madness! Ne huutaa MAY-DAY, MAY-DAY, MAY-DAY MAY-DAY, MAY-DAY, MAY-DAY MAY-DAY, MAY

74.25 %
Own paydays
Piia Myyry

…a pupple, whose days, you can just follow the lines, its a good guide.- You have your own paydays, you dont know, how it goes, you have seen better days, they sick in theis own lifes, you like your own work, you sell it out, like a diablos, they make money all the time.…

23.42 %
17.63 %
Touch & Go

…burning wild (touch and go) forgive my rude behavior, girl I need to fly before daylight See the starships falling (bailing out) Hear my mayday calling (scream and shout) Could you be my saviour, girl? I need a place to…

7.81 %
Sun Luonas
Kake Karisson

…just levydiilin. Ei oo keretty jutskaan ku mul on aina kiire. Se harmittaa ja tajuun se on shaiba piirre. Täysillä ku painaa voi tulla vauhtisokeeks. Lähel et 28:na burnoutin potee. Ja sydän pirstaleiksi hajoo mayday

7.18 %
With someone everyday

…some places, it is just the life, which is all for us given, you just make choises of the quality, its just a way of life. You just choose your own time, you cant really own anybody, its their choise, really to stay. It is really not so different life, with the same person every day.…

6.23 %
6.14 %
7 Days, 7 Nights
Anna Abreu
5.88 %
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