Lähimmät osumat haulle: peter-parker-best-friend-name

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Lisää etsimäsi kappaleen: peter-parker-best-friend-name sanoitukset

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You know my name
chris cornell

…You know my name

30.19 %
Peter Pan
Huge L

…silmit, takut avaan ite poika, ku paan Peter Arbetet, Tekee duunii sen etee ettei tarvi tehä duunii Ku sen mun puolest muut tekee Ota ilmaseks sitä mitä saa (jes) Tää on mikä-mikä maa ku tääl voi tehä iha mitä vaa Ota…

25.77 %
Just a friend
Piia Myyry

…are just beyond it all, but you seem to want more and more. You all seem to guide your friends, they all have already kids and other games. You are still in the same level, you havent wanted more, just a friend.…

25.65 %
My sweet friend
Piia Myyry

…For you, my sweet friends, over the years, in the same hills, in the forest cities, where there is dark nights, you are my angel, oll the nights, you give me something, without i cant life, its like a magic, all night…

23.89 %
Friend Like Me
21.64 %
My name is kääriäinen
Jope Ruonansuu

…My name is Kääriäinen! Seppo Kääriäinen! Toiset soimaa ydinvoimaa Se on väärin Täysin väärin Naama vääntyy Takki kääntyy Mutta peräänny ei Iisalmen mies Mä en soimaa ydinvoimaa Se on oikein Aivan oikein Saamme voimaa…

20.81 %
Child Is My Name
Juha Tapio

…Immortal angel Dressed up as junkies I'm going out tonight It's gonna be alright It's gonna happen It's gonna happen, right I'll take the blame And child is my name And I believe your words Whatever you might say This…

19.31 %
A game without a name

…I dont want to consentrate to peoples minds, they are lazy, they just want to fight, you are just looking for a fun game, its just light game without any name. I just wanto to relax and stay in peace, look around…

18.61 %
I have no friends
Piia Myyry

…I write to myself, I am mtv generation, its my friend, i do everything myself, there is not much aid, I have no friends. You all still have your cosy lifes, in vienna its really a city style, grinzing wineyards and…

17.56 %