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Lisää etsimäsi kappaleen: quickbreads made with milk sanoitukset
Lisää sanoitukset Etkö löytänyt etsimääsi? Lyrics.fi on yhteisöpalvelu suomalaisten kappaleiden sanoituksille. Kaikki sanat ja sanoitukset ovat käyttäjien lisäämiä. |
Made in Hong Kong
Miljoonasade …Tilasin postimyyntiluettelosta Naisen itsellein Sen kasvot tehty muoviseoksesta On malliin Doris Dayn On sillä sian silmäripset alumiiniolkapäät Ja pikku moottoreita säärissään Made in Hong Kong Nainen mulla on Made… |
43.59 % |
To Hell With It
Emily Frost …I can try my best to fix it The broken future of us that’s fading Ooh, we’re fading Ooh, keep fighting To hell with it I’m tired of trying To hell with it You ain’t even around I’m tired Of trying to reach you when you… |
41.27 % |
Done With Her
Anna Abreu …We're always looking for something we just can't have We try to make it work even though it's bad Not sorry that you cry and let me tell you why This whole freaking town was built on a lie The bridges are burning And… |
40.60 % |
Ghost Brigade …Lost at sea Father, come take me back home The sun's colder today But the rhythm of water is keeping me warm Feel its weight, lay your head down Oh burden, how did we come so far? Stay with me, until fear no longer… |
29.29 % |
Made in Heaven
Jenni Vartiainen …lisää. Haittaako, jos itken, kun tanssin sun kaa? Multa ei voi paljoa nyt odottaa. Sano joku valhe Sano vaikka beibe Oot made in heaven Made in heaven Haittaako, jos painan mun pään sun rintaan? Leikitään tää hetki… |
26.64 % |
Ghost Brigade …need god What's safe to see we let the eyes I can see no god What you create, what you make So you are a human with no one Show me the ways how you make everything shine I'll make you walk through fire and desire Let hell… |
25.87 % |
Joulubiisi made me do it
Pumapro …Ollin autotune alku juttu: Joulubiisi made me do it Kertosäe 2x: Halutaan olla gamen ylinpänä sen takii tehää duunii tehny pahoi asioita jotka tontut kuuli kello on jo kuusi on pystys joulukuusi joulubiisi made me… |
25.84 % |
With someone everyday
PIIA MYYRY …some places, it is just the life, which is all for us given, you just make choises of the quality, its just a way of life. You just choose your own time, you cant really own anybody, its their choise, really to stay. It is really not so different life, with the same person every day.… |
25.07 % |
In love with you
PIIA MYYRY …Aslong as you can make love, just do it, its in your genes, you cant really, fight against it. Making love is like a heart, you have to just work, all the time. The time to make a family, is a really long period, it… |
24.84 % |