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Lisää etsimäsi kappaleen: sky-blue-hex-value sanoitukset

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Nylon Beat
54.67 %
Feeling blue

…always easy on wedding days. You all are supportive to us, its all new, they have their childs, you all like to joke about us, its part of the game, not show the old romance, you all have the new dress, its lovely, like old days. You come and go like i new, its our day, your sisters are feeeling blue.…

51.87 %
L.O.V.E. Blue
Nylon Beat
51.02 %
All Lips Go Blue

…Hear the silent sighing song A moment of calm before the storm My heart, so violently beats along. Leaving me to want to end it all. I weep for a dream in a grave. The one that made all lips go blue. I read the words…

47.93 %
Sinisilmä (Blue Eyes)
Maija Kauhanen
44.06 %
Onnettaren poika (Moody Blue)
Kari Tapio
38.49 %
Bluesia Pieksämäen asemalla
Juice Leskinen

…haitari olallaan Hei, Safka, what's the news? Soita Pieksämäen asemalla blues Hyvä näin, mutta lisää tahdon vieläkin Pistän kävelemään tuohon Mika Sundqvistin Vihelläs tahti taikka kuus Tää biisi on Pieksämäen asemalla…

31.29 %
Deathbringer From The Sky

…High above the ground Beyond the thunderclouds A Black shade is flying alone Once so feared among men Now the legend is becoming too old But finally the horrifying truth is about to unfold Deathbringer from the Sky

24.49 %
Last Night I Dreamed Of You

…Last night I dreamed of you Dream too perfect to be true Together in a place where blossoms grew And then I woke up next to you Last night I dreamed of you Inside my dream was love so new The sun was shining and the sky was blue And then I woke up next to you…

23.23 %