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Boy in the Back Row
Nylon Beat

…We used to share the same classroom for years Beginning from the second grade All the others have their careers, I'm still alone But I got all your photos at my home Hey you the boy in the back row Do you remember me…

42.50 %
Download mp3 i love you boy i love you too its you and i baby its me and you aint no matter what they say

…I love you boy

24.88 %
Its like in kindergarden
Piia Myyry

…You all have the same kind of friends, boy and girl, who like to be with you, its like in kindergarden, you fight for you own lifes, its just your style, the some people like to have fun, not the angry guys, those who…

24.44 %
Dear Miss Lonely Hearts
Hanoi Rocks

…a girl but I'm dating her sister If I persist in my pursuit I will kiss her Dear lonely girl I doubt if this reply will bring much joy But you must not trust this boy You must not lust this boy Resist and do not kiss this boy Lonely boy...…

20.56 %
Sateenkaari on mun lempiväri (mulle sateenkaari on väri) by Naamio boy
Naamio boy
20.50 %
Arttu Lindeman

…halusin nähä ku domppo pomppaa tai kun toi jätkä kohta oksentaa mä huudan boy (boy) ootsä #finnishboy ananastukissa ei tuloksii puntissa ja tatsii täs MSTFjuntis mä kiljun girl ootsä #finnishgirl kummä kampil kuljin…

16.65 %
Jyrki Boy
Juice Leskinen
16.47 %
Sateenkaari on mun lempiväri
Naamio boy
16.27 %
As If

…of kind and so mind numbing It's kind of like losing touch And I can't find me inside I hide in an empty smile And I have left me behind In words that aren't mine The scene, the scene - the screen's endless In style in

15.29 %