You all have the same kind of friends, boy and girl, who like to be with you, its like in kindergarden, you fight for you own lifes, its just your style, the some people like to have fun, not the angry guys, those who like to be distant and fun.
You all like your old loves, nothing fits anywhere you own it all alone, with your son, and the ex-wifes, guys like to distroy their own living, beating the same kind of people to the hospitals, they are all cute, but it fits for you, they are insame enough, not the sunshine intrest, the other kind of life, the other side.
You all have to see your friends, you take all theaid for you, you dont need to be with your own things, you eat well, you are so jealous, you let the other people make it for you, like in motorway cities. You get excited ot beating people, not cleaning their living.
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