Lähimmät osumat haulle: special olympics waiver of liability form

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Endless Forms Most Beautiful

of grass Every endless form most beautiful Alive, aware, in awe Before the grandeur of it all Our floating pale blue ark Of endless forms most beautiful Beyond aeons we take a ride Welcoming the shrew that survived To…

41.52 %
Tohtorighetto special
28.76 %
You are special
Piia Myyry

…work, costs are high, you know the talk. You have it all, the life and wifes, you are keen on money, all your life. Nothing restricts you at all, you are special, everything treat you so.…

26.91 %
Lävistyksiä (Igor's Special)
25.42 %
Fight for your own space

…You play, all the time,your own games, other people, really dont matter, its your way of life, your own life. You are from a split family, you are used to live like it, it is always a different lifestyle, if you are…

16.40 %
Waiting for a baby

…. Pregnent to you makes me a whole. To be pregnent for you makes us a family. Waiting for a boy, gives us both a joy, waiting for a boy gives stability and feeling of eternal life. Waiting for a baby is exciting time. It…

16.16 %
University life
Piia Myyry

…homes. You like your new surface, you have an access everywhere, you contact people all the days, 'you have the macroskope, like old days. You have a silent life tonight, its compulsary, cause of, university life…

15.40 %
Symphony Of Destuction (Live)

…A'warring for the heavens A peaceful man stands tall Stands tall Stands tall Just like Pied Piper Led rats through the streets We dance like marionettes Swaying to the Symphony Just like Pied Piper Led rats through the streets We dance like marionettes Swaying to the Symphony Swaying to the Symphony Of Destruction (Perkele!)…

15.07 %
The university life

…I just saw Michael Monroe,in some tapas place, he lives here in my city, we see often his face, he has hade a global career, he is a rich man, he still flyes to London,to pick up the prizes. I remember of seeing him in…

14.80 %