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University life
Piia Myyry

…homes. You like your new surface, you have an access everywhere, you contact people all the days, 'you have the macroskope, like old days. You have a silent life tonight, its compulsary, cause of, university life…

66.66 %
The university life

…you really like the university, asks the high class society, I dont really know about it, but people in general seem to like it. I havent been these people, who sit at home to wait for their spouses, au contrary, I havent been seen much between the walls, I have appeared home when it starts to be the dawn.…

61.32 %
They are university people
Piia Myyry

…friends, in the secureity places, if you are afraid of shadow games, they are university people, they make science, even here it is not so big. You all get excited of the people, so you spend your times, you like to speak…

57.44 %
All over the years
Piia Myyry

…, about everything. At the age of 30, they already have families, 'they didnt like studies, but company, 'now they are old, they have had an easy living, no brainstorming, just giving. You have just weakened you friend…

19.99 %
I just want my privacy

…, like in the country side, the people just have fun. I come from the university city, people move here and built a family. I have always been creative, I spend my days, my own way. I just like to draw and write, its…

17.40 %
You dont want more
Piia Myyry

…your real face. You all are mean to each others, you really respect the life, its just a big gamenight, for university people, you like passion and excitement, you like the softr style, you all have your own living…

16.89 %
You have everything

…You stare at me like a dog, I am bored to this our world, I like a paralell universum on earth, it has hit me a long time ago. It gives you the richness, everyday, you cant even hope for, more. Parallel-universum is a…

14.19 %
I have lived through it all

university, where we all have been young, andnot being starwing. Have you made sex and being loud, have you had wild nights just to have some fun, you can be that kind, we all have our past, I dont want of it to fight.…

11.53 %
Never Wanna Stay
Old Polaroid
11.16 %