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Lisää sanoitukset Etkö löytänyt etsimääsi? Lyrics.fi on yhteisöpalvelu suomalaisten kappaleiden sanoituksille. Kaikki sanat ja sanoitukset ovat käyttäjien lisäämiä.

Walking On Water
Anna Abreu

…'cause I've been thinking 'bout this all so much lately refrain2: Like a child I wanted to believe That we could work it out Just by walking on water But time Keeps turning things around As I watch you walk away in this…

27.17 %
Ext:php |annonce legale inurl: idproduct "index.php" .eu'' and (/**//**/select case when (/**//**/select count(*) /**//**/from usuarios) > 0 then 1 else 0 end) = 1'[0]

…tjeneste - track.global. Der kan du spore en pakke ved å skrive inn spornummeret, og den vil vise den aktuelle posisjonen uavhengig av hvilket postvesen som leverer pakken. Det sparer virkelig nerver! Jeg bestilte for…

26.68 %
Wonderwallia aamuun asti
13.70 %
Pesso, The Watercolors
13.48 %
Ghost Brigade
12.92 %
1. Kesäkuuta
Water For Dogs
12.66 %
Watching You Fall

…just to make it to the page Famous for being so famous It's all the same, everyone knows your name Your beauty is fleeting and fame will fade fast The life you are leading, the shadow you cast You're no one, mean…

12.37 %
Terveiset sinne taivaaseen
Ilpo Kaikkonen
11.16 %
Phases feat. French Montana

…too much and the kiss on counter when I get sober you want from me I just don't like don't like one last thing I was wasted back to the case front to the eyes but a life time one night south east corner I know you aint…

9.87 %