Lähimmät osumat haulle: words-to-use-instead-of-pretty

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Lisää etsimäsi kappaleen: words-to-use-instead-of-pretty sanoitukset

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Its pretty different life
Piia Myyry

…. You observe people, do nothing. Its pretty different life, i have lived in europe, most of my life. You run after you man and child, you think they have not their own lives, You all want to spent time with your friends. you like your forrest life, There its not much to do, but it is just fine…

66.80 %
The pretty face

…just beautiful in all places, the style is just different, but they have still pretty faces. They all have a better world, in central european places, but the most cities are just the same, you can choose any of them to stay.…

60.72 %
F. R. David

Words don't come easy to me How can I find a way to make you see I love you Words don't come easy Words don't come easy to me This is the only way for me to say I love you Words don't come easy Well, I'm just a music…

56.62 %
Rodhouse blues

…that You said you'd rub my back Instead we end end up doing things I've never even heard of But you were just being nice, right? I get lonely everytime I see the same old faces crawling inside at nights I could really…

49.54 %
God Of Wind

…Let me tell you a story Story of a man Who wants to be a god God of the wind He dressed to brown Brown leather clothes He used a bone mace And ate mushrooms He lived in the woods There trees are huge Only friends were…

45.72 %
Dead to the World

…All the same take me away We're dead to the world The child gave thought to the poet's words Gave comfort to the Fallen (Heartfelt, lovelorn) Remaining, yet still uninvited Those words scented my soul (Lonely soul…

45.26 %
It gives you power
Piia Myyry

…you power, you havens even seen their faces, still you want to have sex, over the days. You are already pretty old, you have become violent, so that the people can do their work, you use them to your own purposes…

35.68 %
Dancing Naked
Bad King

…Why should I forget? I choose my life instead! Tried to come home early, Clearly I remember the footprints she left on the sand. Led up to the hills, maybe passion, sense and the flowers in her hair. Oh how much I love…

33.57 %
Molly The Murderer
Sturm und Drang
32.57 %