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Piia Myyry

You and my friend are ex spouses, never seen you in those lives, even we spend time in same houses, you never been keen of people, you do your work, just what you need, you make money of peoples health, and beat them.

What a romantic lifestyle, clinical people have their own sky, even when they have childs, everything is just a burden to them, they are in their own zones, social life is something else.

You just want services, you take them, even people are ashamed, dont understand rainbow people, they use humans, all days.

Laita Piia Myyry soimaan ja ratko päättelykykyä kehittäviä tehtäviä. Ratkaise tehtävä ja näe miten pärjäsit muihin verrattuna. Toimii suoraan nettiselaimessasi!

Löydätkö sen yhden ja ainoan oikean ratkaisun?

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