I have just came from central-European xmas markets, During the days it is like a lightened farmers. Anyway it is a fun way, if you have money to pay.
I just wanted to take a distance of Helsinki- live, It is a scandinavian lifestyle, it is a northern city, people are just distant and love just their egosentric life.
I just like to feel the atmosphere, I like the big places, which are not for kids to play. I just long after the adult company, not this kind of teens talk or childs play.
Someday you need to grow up, you must decide. if you like it or not. There is many gateways, you can choose, which gate you want, r of which to pay.
I just want really to love you, forget all, just get hedonism. Its just my own goal, I dont know, what more can I want.
You make me so happy, I dont know, how can you make me so crazy. Your life is light to carry, you dont need to do much, just pay for it.
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